You won’t believe how this lovely young couple decided to announce the new addition to their family! We met Nicola & Kris at a recent event and you could not help but notice just how loved up they both were. It wasn’t until after the event as we were going through the images that we stumbled upon possibly the main reason they were so smitten . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . they had just found out that they were pregnant!
Not only that but they had cleverly decided to use the photo booth to snap a proud picture of their baby scan and decided they would use the photo booth prints to announce the news to their friends and family. Never in a million years would we have expected this to happen in our photo booth and we feel so lucky to have been a small part in such a wonderful story. We knew there was more to be told here and we were really curious as to the story that led to this wonderful moment so we reached out to Nicola and Kris and we could not believe what we read next, here’s their story.
“We both met in 2011 at work and hit it off straight away. However due to working in different offices neither of our paths crossed again. During this time my father was extremely ill and unfortunately passed away, not long after this I received a few emails from Kris asking how I was getting on and what had I been up to. Needless to say numbers exchanged and we went out on our first date, which led to date two and three in the same weekend. Months passed and eventually in 2012 I took the leap and moved in with Kris!
In February 2013 Kris and I had our first holiday together in mexico, we went on trips, snorkled, swam with the dolphins etc. It was also Valentines day whilst we were away, Kris had organised what I thought was a romantic meal on the beach, but to my surprise he had actually hired a private butler and the hotels own private pier overlooking the beach. There was a candlelit pathway, champagne and a lovely meal. I did think it was a bit extravagant for valentines!! However at the end of the meal I had been telling Kris about how perfect the evening had been and that it couldn’t have been any more perfect! At that moment Kris got down on one knee and produced a beautiful solitaire ring from his pocket, he then asked me to marry him. Speechless all I could say was “Seriously” before nodding my head to accept.
In May 2014 Kris and I then married at Cameron house on Loch Lomond, the place where we had our first weekend away. It was just perfect, and one of the best days of our lives.
Not long after our wedding my sister had a baby which made Kris and I an aunt and uncle for the first time. Both completely in love with our niece baby Grace, we wanted to visit her all the time. It was then we both decided that we wanted a family of our own, Kris and I didn’t want to be any older before we thought about a family.
In March 2015 about 6am just before I was about to go to work I woke Kris up with the good news, half asleep he looked at me in shock before giving me a big hug and kiss. He was glowing and really excited, all he did was text me all day asking me questions!!!
Kris and I told our immediate family within a few days as I hadn’t been keeping very well and my sister was going to New york so we wanted her to know before she went. They were all delighted and shocked, a few of them even cried!! They were all sworn to secrecy until I had been for my scan.
In April 2015 Kris and I were at a friends 30thBirthday party where she had the photobooth. As a spur of the moment idea I suggested to Kris that we get pictures done in secret of us holding the scan picture dressed up. We both thought it a good way to tell the rest of our family and friends, something a bit out of the ordinary and different. Kris posted it on facebook, whilst I text the pictures to all of our family and friends. I have put the pictures in our baby book to start the beginning of our story.
Our little one is due in November 2015 and for now we are both patiently waiting to find out if it’s going to be a girl or a boy……….”
Now if that didn’t bring a smile to your face we don’t know what will! It just goes to show that something so small and special can have an even more remarkable tale behind it’s creation, thanks to Nicola and Kris for sharing such a wonderful story with us. You can view the full gallery from Claire’s Surprise 30th here.